

Lucca is one of 4 Italian cities where the 16th century fortress wall has completely survived, and the only city where people adapted it for life, turning it into a park. Take a walk along the medieval streets of Lucca, climb the towers, sit in a cafe in the square, feel the ancient spirit of the city. Lucca Photo by Leigh Trail Lucca is a city of towers, magnificent palazzos and temples of the Trecento era, one of the most romantic corners of Tuscany.

Transport in Berlin

Walking around Berlin is simply impossible. Therefore, you have to use transport. And to make you feel confident in the city, I will tell you about public transport in detail. Berlin Buses, trams, ground (S-Bahn) and underground (U-Bahn) trains, ferries and river trams are conveniently combined into a single transport system.

Winter Universiade in Trentino: all athletes are here

Yesterday, December 11, the opening ceremony of the 26th World Winter Universiade took place: 3,600 people from 61 countries of the world arrived in Trentino to participate in the event - athletes, their coaches and technical staff. After the summer Universiade in Kazan, which was held from July 6 to 17, the winter Universiade moved to Trentino, and will be held from December 11 to 21, 2013.

Italian reservist may be put in prison to save cats in Kosovo

Lieutenant Barbara Balanzoni may face trial and be sentenced to at least one year in prison for saving a pregnant cat, Italian news agency La Nazione reports. Balanzoni, 49, from Crevalcore, Bologna region, worked for several weeks at the NATO military base in Kosovo as an anesthetist.
Trip planning

Fur coats in Italy: where and how to buy

Italy is not only beautiful nature, excellent beaches, theaters, museums, galleries, historical, cultural and architectural sights, but also excellent shopping. They go to Italy for fashionable clothes, high-quality shoes, exquisite jewelry and, of course, fur coats. Italian fur coats are famous for their excellent fur quality, great design, a wide variety of models, as well as adequate prices, which is good news.

Roman gull - mistress of the Eternal City

The Roman gull is the same attraction in the Eternal City as the Colosseum or the Spanish Steps. In any case, judging by the popularity of photographs of gulls in Rome, they are one of the symbols of the city - large, arrogant, beautiful and independent. Let's create the largest collection of photos with Roman seagulls: Find in your archives the most original photo of a seagull in Rome. Download it to comment on this article, high quality is welcome.

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Custard Lemon Cream | 2019
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Custard Lemon Cream

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If Rome is called the heart of Italian history, Venice is the city of canals and bridges, then the famous Verona can be called the city of love and romance. This, of course, is the merit of Shakespeare, who made this city the home of Romeo and Juliet, but nevertheless romantics come here not only to see with their own eyes the place where the world-famous love story developed, but also to look at the city itself characterized by breathtaking landscapes and architecture, as well as a unique atmosphere.
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Grand Canal in Venice

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Amusement park “Fantasy Land” in Bruhl

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Abano Terme resort in Italy: thermae, hotels, attractions

Abano Terme is a famous thermal resort in the north-east of Italy, in 2013 recognized as the best in the country for a variety of cultural holidays and therapeutic techniques. It is located at the foot of the Euganean Hills, 10 km from Padua and 40 km from Venice. Legend has it that the first settlement here was founded by Hercules, returning from one of his campaigns and struck by the beauty of the area and its mild climate.
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Business and Economics

It is unprofitable in Italy to live alone

From year to year over the past few years, Italy has celebrated a special holiday - San Faustino or “Valentine's Day”. It is easy to guess that all lonely Italian hearts raise their glasses on February 15th. And now, a day after an unusual date, the Italian National Statistical Agency (Istat) conducted a study with the association of agricultural producers Coldiretti, the results of which are simply amazing.
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Berlin Cathedral

Berlin Cathedral

The cathedral among the churches of Berlin is one of the most beautiful. Majestic and monumental. It is worth it to go inside. The decoration of the temple and its organ make a strong impression. If you wish, you can climb to the observation deck. Berlin Cathedral - the former courthouse of the Hohenzollern dynasty, photo Dnsob Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom) - a monumental building with five green domes in the middle of the Museum Island.
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Berlin Zoo

Berlin Zoo

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Hunting Palace Grunewald

Hunting Palace Grunewald

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