How to get there

How to get from Rimini to Rome on your own

The distance from Rimini to Rome is 338 kilometers, and it’s faster and more comfortable to travel by high-speed train. Alternative methods - by night bus and on your own by car, we will also consider.

By train

There is only one direct train from Rimini to Rome and it leaves at 06:36 from the central station (Rimini Centrale). Travel time 3 hours 44 minutes. When planning a trip and booking for several months, a ticket can be bought for 25 euros.

The train arrives in Rome at Termini Station (Roma Termini)

The train departs from Rome at 17:30 and arrives in Rimini at 21:27.

I advise you to watch the schedule and buy tickets on the official website - it is simple, understandable, not buggy, plus it is available in Russian. Prices are exactly the same as in Trenitalia and you save your nerves.

Regional trains

The cheapest way to get to Rome from Rimini is with regional trains. The connecting train at the Falconara Marittima station will take more than 5 hours and will cost 24.40 euros.

The faster option with high-speed trains Frecciabianca and Frecciarossa with a change in Bologna will cost 50.80 euros and take 3.5 hours.

One day tour

If you come to Rome for just one day, you should plan your cultural program in advance. I recommend spending the day as follows:

  • 10: 30-12: 30 go on their own in the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli e Dei Martiri (Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri) and Santa Maria Maggiore (Basilica di S. Maria Maggiore) - they are within walking distance from Termini, admission is free;
  • 13: 30-16: 30 to take an individual excursion for 150 euros to the Colosseum, to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill;
  • 16:45 we take the subway and go to the station

For the first time in the Eternal City it is ideal to spend from 4 to 7 days. Here is an ideal 3-day plan for exploring the main attractions.

By bus

A direct bus from Rimini to Rome runs only at night and leaves at 22:40. Travel time is 6 hours 20 minutes, at 5 in the morning you will arrive at the Tiburtina bus station (Roma Tiburtina) - this option is worth considering if you can transfer buses well, are very limited in budget and want to save on a hotel.

A ticket, if purchased in advance, costs 18 euros.

The bus departs from Rome at 00:55 a.m. and arrives in Rimini at 07:25 a.m.

I would not consider options with bus transfers - a very big risk.

By car

It makes sense to go to Rome by car if you plan to spend at least 3-4 days on the road and visit other cities along the way. In Rome itself, consider the features of parking and the ban on entry into the historic center. Read about possible fines.

If I were planning an interesting trip for myself, then renting a car in Rimini, I would go on a trip for a week along the following route:
Rimini - San Marino - Gubbio - Perugia - Assisi - Spoleto - Orvieto - Civita di Bagnoregio - Lake Bracciano - Fiumicino Airport (rent a car, fly home or go to Rome).

I hope that now you can easily get to Rome from Rimini and back. If you need advice, I will be happy to answer your questions in the comments.

Watch the video: ITALY SUMMER VACATION: VANCOUVER TO ROME !! (May 2024).

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